We have had a very busy summer! And for the Mortensen's it means that we have had 3 birthdays! First was Alex's Birthday On June 14th! We had his party the day before with a wonderful group of family and friends! We also had cake on his actual birthday with family! He requested an ARMY birthday and he got one!
The Tank Cake!
The obstacle course! You had to jump in the pool, crawl under the the ropes, over the sprinkler, through the tunnel, then the foot course, and last of all the slipn'slide! The kids LOVED it!
Growing Snakes!
Happy Girls!
I think she was more excited about the candy then she was about the presents!
I love the Tongue!
She got the candles on the first try!
Sharing with April.
Yummy Watermelon!
Happy Birthday baby girl!
Peek-a-Boo with a frosting face!
She Loved the new pony from Grandma & Grandpa Hatch.
July 3rd
Rich, Alex, & Topher went fishing with Grandpa Mortensen, Uncle Mike, & Hailey at big Lake they left at 4:00 in the morning and had a great time in the boats! Rich forgot to take pictures while they were gone but I got these before they left!
After the fishing was done and they were headed home with the catch!
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